Photography Workshops Abroad - Find photography workshops, courses and holidays abroad by searching our worldwide directory.

promote your photography workshops or courses for free

Yes you did read that correctly. All listings on the Photography Workshops Abroad directory are totally free of charge. So go ahead and fill in the form below to add your workshop, tour, holiday, online course or tuition today.

What you get

What to do

Please fill out the form below. Once you have submitted your listing it will go for approval. When approved your login details will be emailed to you so you can access your dashboard and edit your listing at any time. You may add as many listings as you like. When you’ve created your first listing, simply login and fill out a form for each workshop or tour you want to add. However, we reserve the right to reject listings we deem inappropriate. If your listing is edited, or requires more information we will contact you about it. Any changes will be made with your approval.

Please fill in the form below to add your photography workshops, tours or courses to the directory. You can add up to 5 photos.

All fields marked with a * are required. Other fields are optional, and if you don’t want to add anything just leave blank and it won’t appear on your listing.

See the video here to learn more.

Your photos
(Suggested size 1500 pixels saved at jpeg 7)

You can include up to five photos
To ensure the best quality look to your listing please upload images at least 1500 pixels on the longest side and saved at jpeg 7 to ensure the small file size.
Preferably horizontal. And no larger than 1MB.

Returning user? Please Log in or register in this submission form.

Login information will be sent to your email after submission

Please keep your summary brief, ideally around 40 words.

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If you want you can briefly describe what the participant will learn on your workshop. (max 500 characters)

Tell us what type of workshop this is: ie: landscape, wildlife, group, private etc.

Enter the URL for your workshop webpage here.


Set the start and end date of your workshop. If you have more than one date then you can enter the others below. Otherwise leave blank.




If offering a one or half day tour with no fixed date then tick to show it’s available on request and leave the date fields blank.

Is accommodation included in the price of the workshop?

Who will lead your workshop?

Briefly describe the level of fitness required.

Please upload a profile photo. It must be square and at least 300 pixels.

Anything you want to add that is not in the description. ie: included, excluded the itinerary etc (max 1000 characters)

Please enter your phone number with international dialing code. ie. +44 (0)*** *******

Attach images

Drop here

Attach videos

*IMPORTANT* If entering a workshop, please enter the country and town where the workshop is based, or will start.

Add State

Listings are free on my directory

And they always will be. However, you are welcome to buy me a coffee to help keep me awake on the late nights I spend working on the site. There’s no obligation, and it won’t affect your listing either way.

Click the link below. Thanks in advance.

Ian Middleton.

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